Tax issues can cause a lot of stress and difficulty for a person trying to pay off a debt to the IRS. It can be difficult to pay the full amount, either due to a tough financial situation or because of a dispute with the IRS regarding the facts of your case. There are solutions that can help you with your tax issues. Don’t face the IRS alone. At Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, we know how to navigate tax laws and have the experience and knowledge that can help you with your IRS tax issues. Call our team today to schedule your initial consultation.
Dial (304) 898-8499 now or contact Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner online to schedule your initial consultation.
At Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, our team can help you to avoid having ongoing IRS issues that harm your credit and financial independence.
We can assist you with:
Those who are current with all filing requirements and payments and are not involved in a bankruptcy may qualify for an offer in compromise with the IRS for tax debt. This option allows the debtor to settle their debt with the IRS for less than what they currently owe.
If you cannot pay your full debt to the IRS immediately but you do not qualify for an offer in compromise, you may qualify for an installment payment plan. This type of monthly payment plan can help you pay your debt down gradually in payment amounts that you can afford. It can also help you to reduce or eliminate interest and penalties associated with your tax debt.
Although going to court is usually the last resort, it may be the best solution. During our consultation, we can help you know if going to court is the right choice. If your debt is too high to settle or you don’t qualify for an offer in compromise, payment plan, or extension, we can fight for you to ensure that your IRS tax issues are settled with the best possible result.
At Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, we have experience with tax law and with the IRS. Contact us today at our Princeton or Charleston offices. We can fight for you and protect you when dealing with the IRS.
Dial (304) 713-2014 now and get started.
206 South Walker St.
Princeton, WV 24740
500 Virginia Street, East Suite 830 Charleston, WV 25301
307 Federal St Suite 217 Bluefield, WV 24701
112 East Main Street Beckley, WV 25801
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Legal outcomes vary based on many unique factors. Past results, whether from our firm or others, do not guarantee future success. The case results shown here illustrate our work but do not promise a specific outcome in any case.