In West Virginia, car accidents happen every single day, many of which could be prevented if the rules of the road were followed. However, even the safest drivers could become involved in an accident at the hands of a poor driver making an even poorer decision. Though it might be impossible to prevent every accident that happens on our roads, today we want to take a closer look at how many can take a pledge to drive safely and follow these simple tips.
Driving Safer in West Virginia
At any given time, hundreds of thoughts could be racing through your head as you’re trying to drive, maintain the correct speed, and stay focused. By incorporating some of these simple suggestions into our driving routines, we can prevent many of the accidents that happen in West Virginia every year.
Never Speed: One of the main causes of accidents every year on West Virginia roads is speeding. The speed that a vehicle is traveling at has a large impact on the severity of the accident as a whole. It also means that more damage can take place, some of which is irreversible. If you are speeding when other vehicles are on the roads, you might not be able to maintain control of your vehicle, especially if the road conditions are not at their best.
Leave Early Enough: There are many reasons why people try to rush from one place to another. Perhaps they are trying to avoid bad weather conditions, beat rush hour, or travel home to the holidays with their family. These are never reasons to speed and risk your own life, as well as the lives of others. Many individuals can prevent accidents by leaving earlier and planning a drive in a manner that gives them time to avoid adverse traffic.
Make Adjustments: Before you hit the roads, you should always ensure that you have an unobscured view of the roadway. You should take some time to adjust your seat and set your mirrors before you leave so that you have a clear view of traffic lanes.
Remove Distractions: Never engage in distractions while you drive. Eat before you hit the road and put your phone in driving mode, as well as adjusting your audio controls only when you are stopped. Any task that takes your attention off the roads can lead to serious, and even fatal, results, as distracted driving is one of the main causes of many accidents each year. Always remain focused.
Drive Defensively: Drive defensively at all times, which means thinking ahead about mistakes that others might make. Always keep a close eye out for danger at intersections, as well as on the highway, when others tend to make merging mistakes. Also, try to avoid ending up in another driver’s blind spots when you are on the road, as you could put your life in danger.
Hire an Attorney in West Virginia
We can do everything in our nature to try and prevent a car accident, but this doesn’t mean that some won’t slip through the cracks. An accident can turn serious in the blink of an eye, which is why it is important to have an experienced car accident attorney on your side through every step. Our West Virginia personal injury attorneys at Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner have helped many clients in the midst of their personal injury cases, especially when they are feeling alone and without options. You have many rights to compensation during this difficult time. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us to obtain the assistance which you deserve at (304) 713-2014.