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Eating and Driving: Is it a Dangerous Type of Distracted Driving?


When you think about distracted driving, what do you picture? Many people say the same thing: they picture somebody talking or texting on a cellphone, as this is one of the most common types of distracted driving that we see today. However, many people do not think about the various other acts that lead to these serious accidents, such as speaking with other friends in the vehicle, fiddling with a radio or GPS, and, lastly, eating and drinking.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that eating causes more distractions when you are driving than any other type of distracted driving that individuals engage in today. Almost everybody eats while they are driving, which might make you feel uncertain about what the statistics say. Little do many people know that eating and drinking truly is the cause of many injurious and even fatal accidents that take place on roadways every year, even in West Virginia.

The Problem of Eating and Driving

Eating and driving is becoming a growing issue on our roads. With over 40% of Americans eating at a fast food establishment every week, we know that it is going to happen at some point. Stanford University actually conducted a study and found that over 20% of meals that we consume takes place in a vehicle. This means, each time this act happens, lives could be put at risk in the blink of an eye.

Here are some of the main reasons why eating and driving can be so dangerous:

  • You need both hands on the wheel when you are driving for the act to be as completely safe as possible. If you are messing around with the wrapper of a burger or reaching over to grab a fry out of a bag, there is no chance that you will keep both hands on the wheel and your focus on the road in front of you.
  • Of course, eating will take your eyes off the road from time to time as well. You might have to unwrap a straw for in your drink, which will require focus. Perhaps you have dropped something on yourself and you want to see where it landed. Instead of pulling over, many people will look away, which can lead to disastrous results.
  • Eating and driving can lessen your reaction times in many ways. If somebody makes a bad road move in front of you, will you be able to stop in time or avoid it if you are too focused on your food?

Damage to left side of red car after an accidentWhen your eyes and attention are taken away from the road, you might not notice a driver who is making a turn or if traffic has stopped in front of you. These are just a few of the ways that accidents happen when we choose to eat and drive.

Choosing Safe Driving 

The next time you think about stopping for food so that you can eat while on the road, think about what the statistics say and how a life could be taken in the blink of an eye due to this act. Many accidents can be prevented on West Virginia roadways and this is just one way to ensure that we put an end to these accidents. At Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, our experienced personal injury attorneys in West Virginia have dedicated themselves to helping the victims of distracted driving accidents and want you to know that you are never alone during this time. We will help you obtain case results you deserve if you have been injured due to the reckless actions of another party. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you in your time of need at (304) 713-2014.
